The Role of Low-Ground Pressure Machinery on Sensitive Sites

Sensitive sites, such as environments including wetlands, marshes, and fragile ecosystems, require delicate handling and minimal disturbance during any human activity. Enter low-ground pressure machinery – a game-changer in mitigating environmental impact while still enabling essential tasks.  In this blog post, we delve into the pivotal role low-ground pressure machinery plays on sensitive sites and why…

May 13, 2024
Anthony Lambert

Sensitive sites and environments including wetlands, peatlands, nature reserves and fragile ecosystems, require minimal disturbance during mechanical works.  

In these types of contexts, conventional heavy machinery is unsuitable due to its inability to track over soft and delicate terrain without sinking or causing damage. 

Enter low ground pressure machinery – a game-changer in mitigating environmental impact while still enabling essential tasks. 

In this blog post, we delve into the pivotal role low ground pressure machinery plays on sensitive sites and why it’s become indispensable on many sites.

If you’re seeking low-ground pressure mulching, please get in touch with us directly at 07813 140 683‬ or use our online contact form to discuss your bespoke requirements.

Understanding Sensitive Sites

Treeclear UK undertakes a lot of work throughout the UK on sensitive sites, but what is a sensitive site?

Essentially, sensitive sites are characterised by their ecological, fragility, or vulnerability to environmental degradation.

More specifically, the types of sensitive sites that Treeclear UK provides low-ground pressure mulching for include protected sites like SSSIs, nature reserves, peat bogs, and mires ensuring minimal impact during mulching activities.

Sensitive sites characterised by their ecologically diverse flora and fauna and peat reserves provide critical habitats for endangered species and are of nation and international importance. Any disturbance to these sites can have far-reaching consequences, including, species decline, loss of habitat and irreversible damage.

Times are changing and while there is more emphasis on reducing environmental impact, many projects need to utilise purpose built low ground pressure (LGP) machinery on sensitive sites. 

Essentially, the weight and pressure excerpted by conventional machinery can have adverse impacts such as damaging vegetation, wildlife, and more. Accessing remote areas with conventional equipment is often out of the question or requires extensive site protection, which can often result in added disruption, increased timescales and added expense.

Fortunately, there’s a much better option…

Low-Ground Pressure Machinery

Low ground pressure machinery offers an excellent solution when it comes to meeting the needs and requirements of sensitive sites. 

One of the key benefits why this type of machinery is so effective is because of the minimised ground disturbance and reduced damage caused to the environment. 

Guided by our highly experienced operators, Treeclear UK’s machinery is designed to make minimal impact, whilst getting the job done to a high level, making it an ideal choice for projects in environmentally sensitive areas.

Benefits Beyond Environmental Preservation

The primary benefit of low ground pressure machinery for sensitive sites is environmental preservation. However, the benefits extend far beyond just that. Further benefits for sensitive sites include:

Improved Efficiency: Using low ground pressure machinery, our operators are highly effective at minimising ground disturbance and enabling access to difficult terrains. our machinery is also proven to reduce the time and resources for project completion. Tasks that would be difficult to complete with conventional machinery, can be accomplished effectively with low ground pressure machinery!

Cost Savings: Another benefit, beyond environmental preservation, is the potential cost savings of your project. Reduced environmental impact translates to lower restoration costs and mitigation measures, resulting in overall cost savings for projects on sensitive sites. Avoiding the need to use ground protection mats or trackways contributes to long-term cost-effectiveness.

Compliance: Furthermore, low-ground pressure machinery also ensures that you (as our client) are complying with the latest environmental and conservation guidelines. As a result of this, you can also benefit from building trust and credibility with your funding partners, whilst also enhancing your overall reputation.

Low-Ground Pressure Machinery For Sensitive Sites

To conclude, the importance of low ground pressure machinery for sensitive sites is a must. Wetland restoration, vegetation control, LGP mulching,  habitat creation , this specialised equipment enables essential tasks to be carried out while minimising environmental impact.

Furthermore, this type of specialist machinery helps to navigate the delicate balance between progress and conservation, and the importance of this will only continue to grow in the years ahead.

Why Choose Treeclear UK?

Treeclear UK is an expert in low ground pressure forestry services. As a 5-star-rated contractor, we pride ourselves on delivering excellent service for sensitive sites throughout the UK. 

Our low-ground pressure services are available for woodland sites, forestry, specialist construction, agriculture, and more.

Qualifications and member organisations we’re proud to be a part of include:

  • Construction Skills Certificate Scheme (CSCS)
  • City & Guilds NPTC qualified including (FMOC) 
  • Members Forest Industry Safety Accord (FISA)

Contact Treeclear UK

If you’re looking to learn more about low-ground pressure mulching services and how we can help, please get in touch with our dedicated team by calling us at 07813 140 683.

Alternatively, use our online contact form and we’ll get back to you promptly.